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Active Modes
Active Transportation in Pueblo:
PACOG’s 2020 adopted Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan identifies the need to have more pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure as well as better connectivity to routes within the region.
Historically Pueblo has been a region that moves by automobile. With the growing population there is an increase in need and desire to have multiple forms of transportation. Additionally, in recent years the state of Colorado has been a national leader in pedestrian and bicycle transportation. Pueblo has the potential to become one of Colorado’s top biking communities and harness some of the revenue that other Colorado cities are currently capturing. Pueblo’s climate, natural amenities, and current infrastructure are key attributes that will enable the region to be walkable and bike-able year around.
PACOG coordinates with multiple jurisdictions within the region to ensure proper planning and infrastructure. This is being communicated to help implement accessibility, increase safety, good connectivity, maintaining the current system, improve public health, and improve local economy and quality of life. From these efforts, Pueblo has been recognized by the League of American Bicyclist at the Bronze level for 2021-2025.
PACOG actively collaborates with Pueblo Active Community Environments (P.A.C.E) a community organization that is a pivotal player in Pueblo’s bicycle and pedestrian planning. Through their social media, and monthly advocacy work, PACE has spear-headed safety videos, events, educational information, and projects. The organization’s mission is “to promote walkability and bikeability, maintain the historic and cultural aspects of Pueblo while creating an economically viable community where people live, work, and play.” P.A.C.E. members provide instrumental feedback when planning projects such as Revitalizing Main Street Grants, Trail Master Plans, Long Range Planning Updates, Comprehensive Plans and smaller project such as designing and drafting of projects such as Pump Track, Safe Routes to School, Bicycle libraries, e-bike programs, and countless others. PACOG utilizes their input to ensure that projects are being well designed with the best intention of being bicycle and pedestrian friendly.
For more information on PACE or to become a member, please visit their website at
2024 Newsletter
When is Bike Month and Bike to Work Day?
National Bike Month is MAY with a designated "Bike Week" (May 15-21) and that Friday (May 19) as "Bike to Work" day.
Colorado Bike Month is JUNE with the 4th Wednesday designated as a "Bike to Work" day. Click here for more information.
2020 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
Where to bike/walk:
Map- Mountain Biking/hiking-link to CPW or SOCO trail builders website
Map- Parks and Centers- click here.
Moving forward:
Complete Streets - coming soon
Putting Pueblo on the Map for Cycling - coming soon
SRTS program - coming soon
Pueblo West
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