Transit in the City of Pueblo and beyond
City of Pueblo - Pueblo Transit Bus
Transit services of all categories form a key segment of transportation in Pueblo. These resources include the Pueblo Transit bus system, the Citi-Lift Program (Americans with Disabilities or ADA Services), and a range of long-distance express bus and existing and potential rail services in or near the region. City of Pueblo Bus System is a key resource in the PACOG region. Pueblo Transit operates under the City of Pueblo with a mission to provide safe, reliable, and timely transit service to the public in a courteous and professional manner as cost effectively as possible. In the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan, Chapter 2 Existing Transportation System - on page 18 – table 2.8, shows the 11 current routes’ hours of operation and frequency, can be summarized as follows: All buses operate Monday through Friday typically for a 12-hour period, with more frequent service in the AM and PM peaks. Saturday service is available for all bus services. General frequency is 60 minutes with about half of the routes providing 30-minute frequency during the weekdays. No Sunday bus service is provided.
For a map of the local bus routes in Pueblo, CO, click here.
For more Information, see page 15
Bustang is an outrider service provided by Colorado Department of Transportation to transport residents between cities throughout Colorado. The Bustang in Pueblo provides service from Lamar to Pueblo, and Pueblo to Alamosa. For more information on future service and schedule, please visit
Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Improving Public Transportation for America's Communities
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides financial and technical assistance to local public transit systems, including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, trolleys and ferries. FTA also oversees safety measures and helps develop next-generation technology research.
Transit services supported by FTA span many groups and provide wide-ranging benefits. Since 1964, FTA has partnered with state and local governments to create and enhance public transportation systems, investing more than $12 billion annually to support and expand public rail, bus, trolley, ferry and other transit services. That investment has helped modernize public transportation and extended service into small cities and rural communities that previously lacked transit options.
An agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), FTA is headed by an administrator appointed by the President of the United States. FTA is one of DOT’s 10 modes of transportation and is run by a headquarters in Washington, D.C. as well as 10 regional offices that assist transit agencies in all states and U.S. territories.
For more information, click here.