Environmental Policy Advisory Committee (EPAC)
EPAC was created by the Pueblo Area Council of Governments (PACOG) for the purpose of providing information and recommendations regarding environmental policies and issues. The committee investigates issues, generates reports, formulates goals and objectives, and makes presentations and recommendations to PACOG regarding environmental policy. The membership of the advisory committee is diverse representing the general public, private business, industry, and the public sector. There are eight members serving staggered three-year terms, as well as ex-officio members (a representative from the Environmental Health Division at the Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment and a CSU Extension office representative). The members must be residents of Pueblo County. The four interest groups, which require nearly equal representation, are as follows:
(a) Private Citizens—shall include those persons who are not eligible for any other category. In addition, no person may be included in this category that is likely to incur a financial gain or loss greater than that of an average homeowner, taxpayer, or consumer as a result of any action likely to be taken by PACOG.
(b) Representatives of Public Interest Groups—shall include any member of a non-profit organization which reflects a general, civic, social, recreational, environmental, or public health perspective in the Pueblo region, and which group does not directly reflect the economic interests of its membership. Excluded from membership in this category shall be any member eligible for the economic interest or public official category.
(c) Public Officials—shall include any officeholder who has been selected by a vote of the residents, any commission or agency member who has been appointed by a group of elected officials, and any employee of local, State, or Federal government.
(d) Citizens or Representatives of Organizations with Substantial Economic Interest in a Plan or Project—shall include any person and/or company who are likely to incur financial gain or loss greater than that of an average homeowner, taxpayer, or consumer as a result of any action likely to be taken by PACOG. Included in, but not limited to, this group shall be:
(1) representatives of companies inspected by the City-County Health Department for possible pollution,
(2) farmers and/or representatives of ditch companies, (3) persons involved in supplying for profit recreation programs or equipment,
(4) large water consumers,
(5) manufacturers,
(6) commercial establishments, and
(7) non-governmental professionals with substantial economic interest.
EPAC Meeting Dates
Please find listed below the schedule for the Environmental Policy Advisory Committee (EPAC) meetings for 2025. The regularly scheduled meetings are generally held the 1st Thursday of every other month from 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., beginning in February. At this time, the meetings are being held in person at the Pueblo County Planning & Development, 201 W 8th Street Suite 110, Pueblo, CO 81003. If the location or method of conducting the meeting should change, the EPAC members will be notified.
• February 6, 2025
• April 3, 2025
• June 5, 2025
• August 7, 2025
• October 2, 2025
• December 4, 2025
Please note these dates are subject to change only at the discretion of the EPAC Chairperson. If warranted, staff will make a request to the Chairperson to cancel a meeting if there are no items which require immediate attention and can be scheduled at the next meeting or if there is no quorum. EPAC members will be advised ahead of time if this occurs. Please mark your 2025 calendars accordingly. Thank you.
EPAC 2025 Members
Arleen Aguirre - (Environmental Health Specialist) - Ex Officio Member
Amanda Weidner - CSU Extension Office - Indefinite*
Andra Ahrens - (Horticulture Specialist) - 12/31/2027
Ted Lopez - Public Officials - 12/31/2024
Roger Hanger - Private Citizens - 13/31/2027
Vacant - Public Officials - 12/31/2026
Vacant - Public Interest - 12/31/2026
Vacant - Public Interest - 12/31/2024
Vacant - Org. w/Sub. Econ. Int. - 12/31/2024
Vacant - Org. w/Sub. Econ. Int. - 12/31/2026
Vacant - Private Citizens - 12/31/2024
Still need representatives from the following: 2 from Organizations with Substantial Economic Interest, 1 from Public Officials, 2 from Public Interest, and 1 from Private Citizens.
Per PACOG Resolution No. 2005-018, changed membership to 12 members, who serve three-year terms and two ex-officio members with indefinite terms. Provided for seven (7) members to represent a quorum.
Per PACOG Resolution No. 2012-017 provided for five (5) members to represent a quorum (amended PACOG Resolution No. 2005-018).
Per PACOG Resolution No. 2021-009, changed the following: (A) number of members went down to eight (8) and 2 ex-officio members. The 8 members shall consist of substantially equivalent proportions of the four groups, or two (2) from each group; (B) the Environmental Coordinator position no longer is the representative, rather the ex officio member representing the PDPHE will be from the Environmental Health Division of the PDPHE; and (C) Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum for conducting business.
*(NOTE: Ex-officio members have voting rights.) (2-1-2024…sms)
Wendy Pettit (pettitw@pueblocounty.us) is point of contact.