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Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)amendments


The PACOG TIP is a living document which must be amended from time to time as new projects are identified or other project changes occur such as modifications to project scope or funding. TIP amendments may be categorized as one of two types – Policy Amendments or Administrative Amendments.


Policy Amendments are made to reflect significant project changes or for the addition of new projects of regional significance to the TIP. Policy Amendments require public notice and a public comment period. They must also be recommended for approval by the TAC and be approved by a Resolution of Adoption passed by the PACOG Board of Directors before being forwarded to CDOT for inclusion in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).


Administrative Amendments may be administratively approved by the PACOG MPO Director without formal action by the TAC or the PACOG Board.


TIP Amendments may be requested in writing by any PACOG member organization and submitted to the MPO Manager in writing. The MPO Manager will review the request and determine whether the proposed amendment can be approved administratively or if it requires formal approval under the Policy Amendment process. MPO Staff may also initiate TIP amendment requests.


Note: Regionally Significant is internally defined as a project that drastically[1] changes or modifies regional connectivity and may affect baseline Greenhouse Gas (GHG) levels.



I. Policy Amendments


The following amendments are examples of significant TIP amendments that require formal approval under the Policy Amendment Process:



  • A modification in a project’s activity, location, or schedule that results in a formal evaluation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document.

  • Removal of all federal funding from a project or the deletion of a project from the TIP

  • Addition of a federally funded project.

  • Addition of a regionally significant state or locally funded project.

  • Significant changes to the scope of any project. Significant scope changes include changing the roadway classification(s) designated by the jurisdiction, changing the amount of traffic through lanes, changing termini, addition or removal of multi-modal features which modify existing lane capacity.


II. Administrative Amendments


The following amendments are examples of TIP amendments for which approval authority has been delegated to the MPO Manager under the Administrative Amendment Process:


  • Addition or removal of funding which does not result in a scope change.

  • Adding or modifying Emergency Relief-funded projects.

  • Addition of any non-regionally significant projects unless federally funded.

  • Adding or modifying state or local regionally significant projects that have already been through their own public involvement and approval process.

  • Swapping funding sources (I.e. Federal, State, or Local).

  • Changes in funding program.

  • Changes to the allocation of funding between categories of work on a project or the creation of new work categories on a project that do not result in an increase to the overall project budget.

  • Project Roll forwards if:

    • Unable to obligate in current year of TIP

    • The obligation authority[2] or appointment has not lapsed, and funding is still available


Should an amendment not meet any of the above criteria then its classification as either a Policy or Administrative amendment is at the discretion of the MPO.


[1] What is considered a drastic change is at the discretion of the MPO

[2] As shown in TIP and STIP

For more information on the TIP documents, please visit the website below.

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