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image of the Pueblo Riverwalk

Pueblo Area MPO


MPO Designation & Responsibilities

The Pueblo Area Council of Governments (PACOG) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Pueblo area as required by Title 23 of federal statutes for both long-term and short-term urban transportation planning.  Responsibility for carrying out the “continuing, comprehensive, and coordinated” (“3C”) transportation planning process rests jointly with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and PACOG.


MPO Staffing & Governance

The PACOG transportation planning activities are carried out by the City of Pueblo’s Urban Transportation Planning Division.

The PACOG MPO, develops its transportation plans and programs using the “3C” (continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive) planning process, as required by FHWA 223 CFR § 450.306 and FTA in 23 CFR § 613.100. The Fixing Americans Surface Transportation (FAST Act) legislation, adopted December 4, 2015, is the most recent, comprehensive federal legislation addressing surface transportation guides the long- range planning process. FAST Act built on the MAP-21 eight planning factors addressed by the 3C metropolitan transportation planning process to include:
• improving transportation system resiliency and reliability.
• reducing (or mitigating) the storm water impacts of surface transportation; and
• enhancing travel and tourism. [23 U.S.C. 134(h)(1)(I) & (J)]


Please click here for a list of acronyms.

PACOG utilizes the resources of the City of Pueblo’s Transportation Department, the Pueblo County Department of Planning, and various external consulting firms. Contracts and agreements for the administration of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Consolidated Planning Grant (CPG) funds are executed by CDOT and PACOG based on the program objectives of the current Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and implemented by the Urban Transportation Planning Division as authorized and directed by the PACOG Board of Directors.


A Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) is a regional planning agency established by federal law to engage in a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning and decision-making processes for urbanized areas containing a population of 50,000 or more. 


In Pueblo, the Transportation Planning Region (TPR) includes the rural areas of Pueblo County including Avondale, Boone, Beulah, Colorado City, Rye and other rural communities.   The urban and rural planning boundaries are shown on Figure 1.


The Pueblo Area Council of Governments (PACOG), supported by the city, county, and regional stakeholders is the organization responsible for regional transportation planning. This involves both urban and rural planning in Pueblo County.


Walking, riding a bicycle, riding a bus, driving a car, or traveling by plane or rail require conscious choices on the part of the participant/s.  How well each component functions or does not function within the entire system is where public input is needed to identify disconnects and plan improvements in an orderly, fiscally constrained manner.  Public involvement in the transportation planning process doesn’t just occur, it must be a priority of staff, elected officials, and the local citizenry.   The purpose of the Public Participation Plan (PPP) is to identify ways in which the public may participate in the planning process

Contact Us

Eva Cosyleon

MPO Manager
(719) 553-2248

Dylan Goodman

Transportation Planner
(719) 553--2246

Hannah Haunert

Transportation Planning Technician 
(719) 553-2242

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