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Funding Abbreviations

Table 1: Funding Abbreviations Definitions of Acronyms

ADA -Americans with Disabilities Act

AER -Aeronautics

BEC- FASTER Bridge Enterprise- Contingency

BEF- Bridge Enterprise Transfers from CDOT

BRO -Bridge-Off System

CBP - Construction Bridge Program

CCP- Construction Culvert Program

COR- Congestion Relief

CRI- Civil Rights Initiatives

CWP- Construction Wall Program

DSB -Bridge Enterprise – Debt Service

FBB -FASTER Bridge Enterprise Bond Issues

FED -Federal Lands


FTA -Flexed to FTA

HAZ- Hazard Elimination

HIS- Hot Spots Illustrative

HOT-- Hot Spots

HQI Headquarters Initiatives

IAI -Interagency Initiatives

IBE- Bridge Enterprise Illustrative

IBO- Bridge Off-System Illustrative

IBR -Bridge On-System Illustrative

IFS- FASTER Safety Allocation Illustrative

IHE- Hazard Elimination Illustrative

IRM - Rockfall Mitigation Illustrative

IRP- Regional Priority Program Illustrative

ISE- Safety Enhancement Illustrative

IST- Surface Treatment Pool Illustrative

ITI -ITS Investments

ITM -ITS Maintenance

MPT- Metro Planning, FTA (5303)

MSQ- Maintenance System Quality

MTC -Maintenance

MTO- Maintenance (Traffic Operations)

MTS- Maintenance (S&I)

OPS- Operations

PRI- Planning & Research Initiatives

PWQ- Permanent Water Quality Program

RAG- Railroad Crossing – At Grade

RCT- Recreational Trails

RDP- Region Design Program

RFM- Rockfall Mitigation

RGS- Railroad Crossing – Grade Separated


RPP- Regional Priority Program

SAD- Safety Education

SAR- Safe Routes to School

SBY- Scenic Byways

SGA- Signal Asset Management

SGN- Signals

SPR- State Planning and Research

SSR- FASTER Bridge Enterprise

SUR- Surface Treatment Pool

TAP- Transportation Alternatives Program

TCC- TC Contingency

TRN- FTA Transit Programs

Note: CDOT is updating and using abbreviations associated with various funding programs. As those are assigned to specific projects and would replace the abbreviations used initially in the TIP, the TIP will be administratively amended to reflect the changes as needed.

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