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About PACOG Moves the Region 2045

PACOG Moves the Region 2045 is a transportation plan that will guide decision making for the Pueblo area for the next 25 years. Once complete, the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) will provide a list of priority transportation projects that meet current and future needs of the region. The LRTP will be developed through technical analysis, public input and build upon previous plans to incorporate all types of travel including driving, biking, walking, public transportation, and freight. 

What is a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)?

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  • Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs) are an essential element of an agency’s transportation planning process. It is a document that reflects the vision and goals of a region and presents the transportation improvements that are needed today and in the future to help move people and goods safely and conveniently about the community.

  • LRTPs include financial components that demonstrate how the recommended transportation plan can be implemented, identify the public and private resources expected to be available to carry out the plan, and recommend any additional financing strategies for needed projects and programs.

  • The purpose of the PACOG 2045 LRTP is to update the previous 2040 Plan using guidance from the recently released federal legislation Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.  The FAST Act authorized $305 billion be spent over four years for programs improving safety, public transportation, freight and rail projects. 

  • Why is the LRTP important to the pueblo community?

    • Investments in our community for safe, efficient, reliable transportation are the foundation of a thriving community and economy. LRTP five-year updates are required for agencies to be eligible for federal and state funding for important transportation projects. Your input will help identify transportation needs and prioritize projects that meet those needs in a cost-effective way.

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    PACOG 2045 LRTP 
    See What We Heard


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    to see what we heard are your highest transportation investment priorities. 

    Survey Results

    frequently asked questions (FAQs)

    Q: What is an LRTP? ​A: Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs) are an essential element of an agency’s transportation planning process. It is a document that reflects the vision and goals of a region and presents the transportation improvements that are needed today and in the future to help move people and goods safely and conveniently about the community. ​LRTPs include financial components that demonstrate how the recommended transportation plan can be implemented, identify the public and private resources expected to be available to carry out the plan, and recommend any additional financing strategies for needed projects and programs. ​The purpose of the PACOG 2045 LRTP is to update the previous 2040 Plan using guidance from the recently released federal legislation Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The FAST Act authorized $305 billion be spent over four years for programs improving safety, public transportation, freight and rail projects. Q: What is an MPO? A: A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is the policy board of an organization created and designated to carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process. MPOs are required to represent localities in all urbanized areas (UZAs) with populations over 50,000, as determined by the U.S. Census. The Pueblo Area Council of Governments (PACOG) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Pueblo area as required by Title 23 of federal statutes for both long-term and short-term urban transportation planning. Responsibility for carrying out the “continuing, comprehensive, and coordinated” (“3C”) transportation planning process rests jointly with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and PACOG. Q: How does this plan affect me and how does it relate to the transportation projects near my home? A: The policies established in this plan will influence future transportation projects, initiatives and investments where you live and within the Pueblo area. The projects near your home are decided based on the vision and goals developed in this plan.

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