TIP Amendment # | Project Name | Lead Agency | Funding Source | Amend. Type | PACOG Approval Date | Project Type | Total Cost | Res. |
2022.024 | Transit Cameras | Pueblo Transit | FTA 5307 | Policy | 03/24/2022 | Transit Operations | $102,000.00 | 2022.009 |
2022.023 | US 50 B Mil & Overlay, I-25 to 36th Lane | CDOT | CBP | Admin | 02/24/2022 | Roadway Reconstruction | $1,545,565.00 | n/a |
2022.022 | Union Avenue Bridge Improvements | City of Pueblo | BRO | Policy | 01/27/2022 | Maintanence | $140,700.00 | n/a |
2022.021 | New Transit Vehicle | Pueblo Transit | ARPA | Policy | 01/27/2022 | Transit Maintenance Vehicle | $75,000.00 | n/a |
2022.020 | Signal Replacement Pueblo Blvd & St. Clair | CDOT | FSA | Admin | 01/27/2022 | Safety Improvements | $200,000.00 | n/a |
2022.018 | Eagleridge Blvd & Dillion Dr. Roundabout | City of Pueblo | HSIP | Policy | 01/27/2022 | Construction | $2,150,000.00 | n/a |
2022.017 | Adams Ave & Jackson St Roundabout | City of Pueblo | HSIP | Policy | 01/27/2022 | Construction | $900,000.00 | n/a |
2022.016 | Pueblo Downtown Multimodal Safety Impr. Union Ave | City of Pueblo | RMS | Policy | 01/27/2022 | Safety Improvement/ Pedestrian & Bicycle | $2,500,000.00 | n/a |
2022.015 | US 50 & Purcell Water Quality Pond | CDOT | PWQ | Admin | 08/26/2021 | Water Quality | $832,000.00 | n/a |
2022.014 | Signal Replace Hwy 96 & Prairie Avenue | CDOT | SGN | Admin | 08/26/2021 | Safety Improvements | $70,000.00 | n/a |
2022.013 | Signal Replace Hwy 96 & Prairie Avenue | CDOT | HOT | Admin | 08/26/2021 | Safety Improvements | $102,000.00 | n/a |
2022.019 | I-25 & Exit 108 Comprehensive Look | CDOT | RPP | Admin | 01/27/2022 | Planning/Study | $450,000.00 | n/a |
2022.012 | US 50 & Purcell Water Quality Pond | CDOT | PWQ | Admin | 07/22/2021 | Water Quality | $460,000.00 | n/a |
2022.011 | Joe Martinez Trail | Pueblo West Metro District | TAP | Admin | 07/22/2021 | Pedestrian and bicycle | $537,035.00 | n/a |
2022.010 | Northern Avenue Phase 3 | City of Pueblo | TAP | Admin | 07/22/2021 | Pedestrian and Bicycle | $449,570.00 | n/a |
2022.009 | Pueblo West SDS Trail N Park | Pueblo West Metro District | TAP | Admin | 07/22/2021 | Bicycle and Pedestrian | $410,541.00 | n/a |
2022.007 | Pueblo=PurHar-0.1 Frnt (Frontage Road) | CDOT | BRO | Admin | 07/22/2021 | Safety/Maintenance | $418,701.00 | n/a |
2022.008 | Minnequa Lake Trail Connection | City of Pueblo | MMOF | Policy | 07/22/2021 | Bicycle and Pedestrian | $388,000.00 | n/a |
2022.006 | Prairie Ave. Improvements | City of Pueblo | MMOF | Policy | 07/22/2021 | Roadway Reconstruction and safety improvements | $2,600,000.00 | n/a |
2022.005 | Culvert Repair & Cleaning SH 96A & Culvert | CDOT | CCP | Admin | 07/22/2021 | Maintanence | $750,000.00 | n/a |
2022.001 | SH 45 Access Control Plan | CDOT | HOT | Admin | 07/22/2021 | Study | $217,292.00 | n/a |
2022.002 | I-25 Drew Dix Interchange Pueblo | CDOT | SB 267 | Admin | 07/22/2021 | Safety Improvements | $1,500,000.00 | n/a |
2022.003 | US 50 B & I-25 Interchange | CDOT | SB 267 | Admin | 07/22/2021 | Construction | $12,000,000.00 | n/a |
2022.004 | Signal Replace 96 & Prairie Avenue | CDOT | SGN | Admin | 07/22/2021 | Safety Improvements | $909,000.00 | n/a |
The above image is our Transportation Improvement Process. It starts at PACOG then goes to CDOT, County, City, Pueblo West, Rye/Colorado City, Others. It gets recommended to the Transportation Advisory Commission (TAC) then it either gets approved or not. If it is approved then it will go to a 15 or 30 day public notice. Then it will come back to the Pueblo Area Council of Governments (PACOG) for approval and resolution.
The PACOG TIP is a living document which must be amended from time to time as new projects are identified or other project changes occur such as modifications to project scope or funding. TIP amendments may be categorized as one of two types – Policy Amendments or Administrative Amendments.
Policy Amendments are made to reflect significant project changes or for the addition of new projects of regional significance to the TIP. Policy Amendments require public notice and a public comment period. They must also be recommended for approval by the TAC and be approved by a Resolution of Adoption passed by the PACOG Board of Directors before being forwarded to CDOT for inclusion in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
Administrative Amendments may be administratively approved by the PACOG MPO Manager without formal action by the TAC or the PACOG Board.
TIP Amendments may be requested in writing by any PACOG member organization and submitted to the MPO Manager in writing. The MPO Manager will review the request and determine whether the proposed amendment can be approved administratively or if it requires formal approval under the Policy Amendment process. MPO Staff may also initiate TIP amendment requests.
Policy Amendments
The following amendments are examples of significant TIP amendments that require formal approval under the Policy Amendment Process: Page 12 of 24
Addition or deletion of any federally funded projects (except as expressly noted in the Administrative Amendments criteria below).
Addition or deletion of any regionally significant state-funded projects (except as expressly noted in the Administrative Amendments criteria below).
Changes to a project which add or remove state or federal funding applied to an approved project in any amount (except as expressly noted in the Administrative Amendments criteria below).
Any scope amendments to projects on the TIP resulting in a budget increase of more than 25% of original funds, regardless of funding source.
Significant changes to the scope of any project. Significant scope changes include changing the roadway classification(s) designated in the jurisdiction, changing the amount of traffic through lanes, changing termini, addition or removal of multimodal features.
A modification in a project’s activity, location, or schedule that results in a formal evaluation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document.
Changes in the funding program that reduce funding.
Administrative Amendments
The following amendments are examples of TIP amendments for which approval authority has been delegated to the MPO Manager under the Administrative Amendment Process:
Addition or deletion of any non-regionally significant projects.
Adding or modifying Emergency Relief-funded projects.
Adding or modifying state or local regionally significant project that have already been through their own public involvement and approval process.
Minor changes to the scope of any project not triggering an amendment as outlined in the Policy Amendments criteria.
Amending a project’s sponsoring agency when agreed upon by the affected agencies and a formal agreement has been signed by the appropriate agency authorities.
A transfer of funds between project funding years with concurrence of Project Sponsors. (i.e. If projects funds have been allocated to a different year but are available sooner)
Adding or modifying Safety Improvement Project below $200,000.
Changing the amount of local funding allocated to a project unless such change results in conditions for local match requirements for federal or state funding on the project would no longer be met.
Changes to the allocation of funding between categories of work on a project or the creation of new work categories on a project that do not result in an increase to the overall project budget. Such changes can result in the transfer of funding between pre-construction and construction activities. As an example, transferring funding from the design phase to an environmental assessment phase of a project would be considered an administrative amendment. Transferring funds from the construction phase of a project to right-of-way acquisition would also qualify as an administrative amendment.
Changes in the programmed project execution year (e.g., “rolling forward”) if: Page 13 of 24
o The approved project funds cannot be obligated or expended within the programmed year of the TIP and the affected local agency has provided adequate justification for the delay; and
o The obligation authority or appropriation has not lapsed, and funding is still available. -
Changes in funding program that adds funding.
Add funds to award projects that have no scope change.
For more information on the TIP process and amendments, please visit the website below.