The Public Participation Plan (PI Plan) identifies both the process and specific opportunities to participate in planning for the PACOG Region's transportation system. Click on link below to view the PI and Title VI Plans.
Unified Planning Work Program
The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) identifies planning and deliverables to be produced by PACOG as the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Pueblo Urbanized Area. Click on link below to view the UPWP.
Transportation Improvement Program
Projects prioritized by the Region and the State are programmed for funding and implementation in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Click on the links below to view the current TIP.
2045 Long Range Transportation Plan
The current PACOG 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (2045 LRTP) was adopted in April 2021. Click on the Link below to view the 2045 LRTP or Go To the 2045 LRTP Website to view appendices and supporting documents.
Click on the links below to view the current Obligated Projects Lists.
The 10-year Plan has been approved
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